Sunday, November 24, 2013

Final Day in Washington

          Our final day in Washington was an eventful one. We started out our day with breakfast in the hotel, then we went to the Conference Center for the last day of exhibits. We gathered more items to bring home (like we needed more).
           We had separated into different groups, the groups we were to ride home with. We had all decided to do something different before leaving the city for home. My group decided to ride the Metro-rail, which is the equivalent of an under-ground subway. We rode to Arlington National Cemetery. We got off the Metro-rail and walked to the entrance to the cemetery.  I wanted to see not only the National Cemetery but the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the final resting place of John F. Kennedy. The previous day had been the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination.


          My feet had other ideas. I was in such pain and found that we had to walk another 10 or 15 minutes to get there. I had come this far but was physically not able to continue because of all the walking from the previous days.We had to turn around and get on the Metro-rail and head back to the hotel.
          The ride home was a long one but we had a lot of fun. I have become closer to the people in my group than I ever thought I would. I believe we will remain friends for a very long time due to this trip to Washington. I just wish we had more time to see everything that is offered here but we have families to get home to and school to get back to.

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