Tuesday, October 8, 2013

College Student

     I am going to tell you a little bit about me and I hope my story will inspire others that think that they are too old or are afraid to go back to school.
      I dropped out of high school in eleventh grade. I was not interested in school but I was interested in smoking pot. I skipped school all the time and when I did go to school, I was busy getting high. I never gave my education much thought. You didn't have to have a degree to get a job back then. Well, you did you wanted a good paying job. At the time, I didn't care about a good paying job. So I quit.
     Over the years I have thought of getting my GED just so I could say I finished high school. I was never very good in school, so to think I could pass the GED tests was out of the realm of possibility for me.
     It wasn't until 36 years later and I was 52 years old that my husband of just four years convinced me to go back to school. My son had just graduated from high school and was starting college at Davidson County Community College in the fall of 2011. I thought it would be great to take GED classes and attend the same school as my son.
     After only two and a half months I was finished with all my classes and passed the GED test with flying colors. I was so proud of myself for achieving this particular goal I had set for myself. I couldn't wait to wear a cap and gown and walk across the stage to receive my diploma. I had waited a very long time.
     After my graduation, my husband said, "Now that you have completed high school, why stop there? Why don't you take some college classes? Set a new goal for yourself."
      Well, here I am, a 54 year old college student. I attend DCCC and I am in my third semester studying Early Childhood Education and have a 4.0 GPA. That is something I am extremely proud of. So, if you think you are too old or not smart enough to go back to school, think again. I am living proof that a high school drop-out can go back and finish school and do it quite well.

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